<![CDATA[LA Levy Artworks - Linda's Blog]]>Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:52:08 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Eruptions!]]>Sun, 19 May 2019 20:56:27 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/eruptionsUpcoming exhibition, "Earth, Air, Water, Fire" inspired me to construct another Goddess Box. This one is called "Pele - Goddess of Fire", honoring the Hawaiian Goddess Pele after the recent eruptions on the Big Island in Hawaii. 
I create these boxes out of leftover framing materials, found objects, materials, papers, yarns, jewelry elements -  (I am a pack rat), and each box will have a piece of jewelry which matches the jewelry worn by the Goddess on the box top. 
It is interesting to me to be asked "why" I do these creations....I often feel if I stuck to just one aspect of my art, I'd be really good at it....however, I'd be bored spitless, and probably my work would begin to bore the viewers as well.  I am inspired by life - by other artists - by nature - learning new things.  Often, my work takes on a life of it's own - I may start with an idea, but it develops while I work - sometimes taking complete left turns. 
I like to interact with others - it usually makes me think about my viewpoints, perhaps altering them.  I love to learn new (to me) things, from techniques, approaches, data about a wide variety of aspects of our existence.   Enjoy the trip!   For more images of this box, and other constructions click HERE.
<![CDATA[Learning to be less Anxious....]]>Tue, 13 Nov 2018 22:36:53 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/learning-to-be-less-anxious
We live in such a wonderful spot in the world! Why do we carry such anxiety and stress on our shoulders? I've been thinking about this (recovering from a health/life scare) and trying to find ways to make my own life a bit more stress-free/less anxiety. We already take on far too much, and it's really NOT healthy for us. We are in control of our own lives (to a degree), and I've come to realize that some anxiety related activities are habit related.

One of the easiest ways to reduce a lot of anxiety in one's life is related to driving habits: people are ALL in a hurry, driving faster than the speed limit, stressing about getting somewhere, on time, etc. Our habit has us always in a hurry, angry at the slow-poke in front of us, yelling at a-holes who don't use their signals, etc.

I have found a simple solution: I leave about 10 minutes early...I take my time (drive the speed limit), and enjoy what nature and life has around me. I discover things I've never seen before, and if I do get somewhere a bit early, I have my book to read.

I'm also saving on gas by not driving fast/faster, accelerating from a stop slower, etc., and am in a much better mood. https://www.cashcowcouple.com/hypermiling/
It is an easy habit to change - just leave a little earlier, enjoy your surroundings, be patient with other drivers - you get there when you get there.

<![CDATA[Bit by Clay - yea!!!!!]]>Fri, 06 Jul 2018 15:35:49 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/bit-by-clay-yea
Clay Sculpture - based on a pose from a life drawing session. Drying, not yet fired.
Clay Sculpture - another view
So, after 2 years of "rehabbing" myself health-wise to almost "normal", I've gotten my hands back into clay:  sculpting figures, and making platters and other misc. items.  Started with clay donated by a neighbor more than a few years ago - reconditioned it (water in a bucket, mix by hand, dry it a bit on a plaster table, wedge the shit out of it...)  And have been having fun.  Yes, it is a LOT of work, but it definitely helps me physically & mentally. 

The sculpture above is drying slowly, and will then be bisque fired, then glazed & fired again.   The platters below are part of a process - roll the clay out, use my carved clay rollers (which I made years ago) to impress a design into the clay, shape, finish edges and bottoms, dry, bisque fire.  I'm at a point where I've must applied an iron oxide wash to bring out/enhance the textured surfaces of the white clay.  Next step is to glaze them.   Early glaze testing (top photo) I like the green glaze, and the clear and a white and a gold, so I'll be playing with all of these.  Tried to do these in sets of 6.   Yes, I've been busy.  Want to get these finished for our "3 of-a-Kind" exhibition in October.
<![CDATA[Plastics 3R Voice - update]]>Sun, 20 May 2018 20:42:39 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/plastics-3r-voice-updateI've been writing/sending letters to major stores in our area, as well as major suppliers - the form letter format is available on my website blog (March/April) for any who wish to use it.
What I have currently started: everytime I am in a grocery store, I find someone in the produce section and VOICE my dislike on the use of all the plastic clam-shell plastic that is overwhelming us...lettuces, sprouts, berries, herbs - all needless and very little of it is... truly recyclable or actually reused. I have filled out "input" forms as well, but I speak out with the produce person and the checker where I do check out and ask them to pass it on to their management. Just this morning, the produce person at the New Leaf on the Westside said their new produce manager also dislikes all the plastic clamshell items. So I am hopeful a vocal campaign will cause some changes. So PLEASE, it's an easy thing to do - VOICE your distain/dislike for those items in plastic clamshells....and boycott them until this is remedied.
I'm hopeful it the store management hears this enough, they will be driven to do something about it!
<![CDATA[More -possible plastic solutions]]>Tue, 17 Apr 2018 17:48:30 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/more-possible-plastic-solutionsOkay, I've been collecting links to helpful solutions to help stem the tide of the river of plastic we are producing at an alarming rate.  My latest efforts have been directed at our local Board of Supervisors & City Council with a list of possible solutions/suggestions.  They are a strong voice and can produce legislation which can help.
Here's a link to a PDF document of what I sent to Ryan Coonerty, John Leopold, Bruce McPherson, and City Council Mayor, Cynthia Chase.  If you would like an editable version to use for yourself, please let me know and I will send you a Word doc.

<![CDATA[Plastics Plea - updated documents]]>Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:29:27 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/plastics-plea-updated-documentsBy popular request - I've updated the document, so that it now contains links to Trader Joes, Wild Roots (formerly New Leaf in Felton & Boulder Creek) and info on the Santa Cruz Council members. 
There is still the "boiler plate" letter which you can edit for yourself.

Plastic Plea Document (Word - can edit)
Plastic Plea Document (PDF)  

I am also trying to find the names/locations of local businesses which help reduce, reuse, recycle plastics.  I did find that Staff of Life carries in bulk, lots of shampoos, lotions, soaps,  etc., and you can fill your own containers.  They offer a lot of bulk products reducing the use of plastics.
<![CDATA[Plastic Plea Continued]]>Thu, 05 Apr 2018 15:28:16 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/plastic-plea-continuedOkay, I've added a bunch of contact info for our local efforts, and, along with a sample letter/boilerplate of a message, you can contact via mail, email, on-line contact forms.  The boiler plate letter has video links, which I've updated to include one positive effort (San Francisco) to highlight what can be done.  Word Doc  (easy to edit)  PDF doc

If you are able to contact the grocery stores, or Board of Supervisors, please do so.  I use the boiler plate to copy and paste and update/make personal the individual message.  Feel free to use it.  I also try and include some ways the store can easily/positively reduce, reuse, recycle plastic products, and add the benefits of doing so.  Give them some impetus to move forward.  I also think we can make use of on-line "review" apps, i.e., Yelp, and other avenues.  Even letters to the editors.

If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me info or post here.
<![CDATA[Plastics Plea]]>Sat, 31 Mar 2018 04:40:54 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/plastics-pleaThere have been some truly horrifying videos and news lately concerning the effects of plastic proliferation in our lives.  So I have started a personal campaign to add to the things I am already doing: using my own cloth bags at all stores; follow the 3 "R's" - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; purchase renew-able non-toxic products, etc.  But it's NOT enough.  So, I have started writing/contacting local businesses with a plea to help reduce plastics by exercising their purchasing power. 

Example (Word - editable doc)
Here's the PDF, which is hard to edit unless you have an Adobe product

It is a "boiler plate" document example.  Please edit it as you see fit and send it along to your local stores.  I also use it for words that I cut and paste into on-line contact forms for many businesses.   I will, when I get a chance, put together a compilation of company names, addresses, contact info, and publish their responses as I get them.  If you would like to add to this info,
please let me know.
<![CDATA[UPDATES!]]>Tue, 27 Feb 2018 08:00:00 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/happy-new-yearLatest show, "Ravens Flying" @ the White Raven in Felton is up and running!  I have a bunch of digital paintings, some new, 3-D constructed Raven Altars, and Raven cards.  Celebrating 1st Friday Art Walk in Felton, March 2, from 5 - 8, so come on by and say hello, enjoy some refreshments.  FREE event.

On my "health" front - a lot has happened.  My doctor felt my imbalance symptoms have gone on too long (almost 2 years) for the original diagnosis of Vestibular Neuritis to be a correct one, so have been going to Stanford Ear Clinic for a bunch of evaluative tests.  The upshot is they have given me a diagnosis of "Superior Canal Dehiscence"  (SCD  http://vestibular.org/superior-canal-dehiscence-scd ) confirmed by an electrical nerve stimulation (VEMP) and a CT showing a hole in the bone which forms the superior canal arch...meaning the liquid in that canal, used for internal gravitational balance is compromised.  They also did a test with a tuning fork, which they touched to my left ankle bone, and I could hear/feel it in my left ear!?!?!?  (Go figure!)  So while I am elated at having a good diagnosis, my future path is a bit "muddied".  There are a few correctional surgeries, none of which are trivial - involves opening up one's skull, moving a brain lobe to expose the hole in the bone, and "resurfacing" the bone - or plugging the canal.  There are problems associated with these procedures, so I'm seeking some more opinions, evaluations, etc.  If I do nothing, I'm still faced with imbalance issues - and I feel I've plateaued on how far I've come with constant balance exercises, etc.  At the end of the day, when I am tired and lose focus, I am like a drunken sailor - and this is how I fell July 30th and broke my arm (yikes!) which is now mostly healed - I have worked on getting range of shoulder motion back so I can at least do some exercises.  So it all goes!  At least I can enjoy the creative spirit once again.  Thankful for this.
Hugs and Thanks to one and all!
Image above is about a White Raven flying over an old map of the Santa Cruz Area, with some "forest" trees (from a sketch) composited into it all.  Currently on exhibit at the White Raven in Felton, CA.
<![CDATA[The Holidays - gifts that keep on giving!]]>Wed, 13 Dec 2017 16:49:06 GMThttp://lindalevy.com/lindas-blog/the-holidays-gifts-that-keep-on-givingThis is the season for caring and sharing.  While many spend time with their families, we all take time to reflect on this past year and hope for the best in the coming new year.  I will admit I've been thru the "wringer" this last few years, what with balance/brain issues, a broken arm, etc., but I am feeling better and very grateful for my life.  Thank you!

However, a longtime friend and artist, Michael English, has been diagnosed with stage IV Pancreatic cancer.  Not a good diagnosis or prognosis.  He's been the caretaker for his family, and now they need your help.  Another friend, Jon Wagman, has set up a
GoFundMe campaign to help Michael and his family.  If you can, any little bit will help them.  Thanks!